Rock climbing in the Table Mountains National Park is allowed in areas indicated in the Regulation No. 4/2005 of the Director of the National Park on the Access and Use of Natural Resources in the Table Mountains National Park.
1. Szczeliniec Wielki (Great Szczeliniec) – south-east walls (from the entrance stairs to the south observation terrace) – Section 41 h – Protection District Pasterka
2. Narożnik (Corner) – Section 112 a – Protection District Karłów
3. Kopa Śmierci (from Narożnik to Trzmielowa Jama) – (od Narożnika do Trzmielowej Jamy) Section 111 a, b – Protection District Karłów
4. Pod Starym Biwakiem – Section 106 f, d, m – Protection District Karłów
5. Radkowskie Skały (Baszty) – walls of the massif along the green trail, except the monadnock rocks on the plateau – Section 13 – Protection District Radków
6. Filary Skalne (from Stroczy Zakręt to Kamieniołom) – from 15 July to 3 November – Sections 30 a,b,o; 33 b, c – Protection District Radków
Unfortunately, the pleasure of climbing is not free: you have to buy an annual or one-off permit, available at the office of the Table Mountains National Park.
Here is the topo of the southern walls of Szczeliniec:
Lodz Mountaineering Club ( has its hut in Pasterka, and they can certainly provide you with the best information about the region.